Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I will not be going away.

After all, Mary Ann convinced 27% of Raleigh's voters and 238 of my neighbors to vote for her.

Maybe Mary Ann will be the kind of representative Raleigh needs. If she’s not, I’ll be there to point that out.

I got 10% of the vote in 81 days, in 2 years I could be in her place. Unless of course, she votes to preserve Raleigh’s quality of life by increasing citizen involvement, neighborhood preservation and environmental stewardship and to make sure the prosperity of some is shared by all. Then I won't need to.

Also it couldn't hurt for all of us to take note of the houses in our neighborhoods that have had Mary Ann Baldwin signs in front of them, and urge those folks to hold her accountable as well.

We could even use "Helen Tart for City Council" signs to send her a message. We can put them out if she seems tempted to vote with her developer contributors. If you don't have one, I've got lots left over. Just let me know if you want one.... I'm not sure where I'm going store them all anyway.

Thanks for being involved and hope you'll stay involved. Go to:
for a good opportunity to do so.

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