Monday, October 15, 2007
I'll be at the State Fair
Volunteering is the best way to go to the State fair. I always try to find a volunteer opportunity at the fair. It gives you a built-in connection to other people at the fair, and you get in free. I just wish volunteers got a break on the price of the bus ride to the Fairgrounds. $4 round trip is a little steep for a ride that has to fight the same traffic as everyone else. It's still the the best way to get out there.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I will not be going away.
Maybe Mary Ann will be the kind of representative Raleigh needs. If she’s not, I’ll be there to point that out.
I got 10% of the vote in 81 days, in 2 years I could be in her place. Unless of course, she votes to preserve Raleigh’s quality of life by increasing citizen involvement, neighborhood preservation and environmental stewardship and to make sure the prosperity of some is shared by all. Then I won't need to.
Also it couldn't hurt for all of us to take note of the houses in our neighborhoods that have had Mary Ann Baldwin signs in front of them, and urge those folks to hold her accountable as well.
We could even use "Helen Tart for City Council" signs to send her a message. We can put them out if she seems tempted to vote with her developer contributors. If you don't have one, I've got lots left over. Just let me know if you want one.... I'm not sure where I'm going store them all anyway.
Thanks for being involved and hope you'll stay involved. Go to:
for a good opportunity to do so.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
81 days and $1554
And best of all a progressive majority on Council.
More later, I've got to run pick up signs.
Election Day
You have helped me shape the debate in this election so that the other candidates are talking about the issues that are so important to the future of Raleigh. Every vote we get is one for my stance on these issues.
I'll be busy visiting various precincts as time permits. Say hello if you see me--I'll probably be greeting you anyway if you do see me.
We have made a positive difference already.
Helen Tart
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Election Day voting
Tuesday! The polls are open from 6:30 AM until 7:30 PM on Election Day.
Search for yourself at the Board of Elections website:
to find your polling place.
If you have a little extra time, stand by the sign for the candidate of choice (me, I hope) and encourage other voters to support them. The political parties will have a sign for each of their candidates at all the polling places, so there should be a sign for you to stand by. Just don't say anything to folks once you get past the signs-- election law forbids it.
The search for voters on a Saturday
Whole Foods was even better. 9 out 10 people shopping on Saturday vote in Raleigh. It was great until the manager very politely explained that no soliciting of any kind was allowed on the premises--inside or out. I probably reached 100 mostly receptive people before I got thrown out though.
Cameron Village on a Saturday is almost useless unless you're talking to employees or library patrons. 9 out 0f the 10 people I approached there were from somewhere else.
Another observation--If you ask someone if they're from Raleigh, often they'll say yes. Then when you start talking about voting, it turns out they live near Raleigh. That suggests that folks in the county and in the nearby small towns think of themselves as part of Raleigh even if they don't actually live within the City limits.
The things you learn campaigning....
Friday, October 5, 2007
Fun event for a good cause
I'll be attending the Capital Group Sierra Club's Wine Tasting and Silent Auction Event - Saturday, 5:30PM, Helios Coffee Co., Glenwood Ave, Raleigh. It's the Capital Groups primary fundraiser to support the work they do to protect the Triangle's environment, educate our citizens on the issues and offer outings to enjoy the natural areas of our state.
This is a great event, featuring raffles, wine tasting, and a silent auction, where you can bid on items ranging from massages, backpacks, to paintings.
The schedule is the following :
5:30 pm Sign in
6:00 - 7:30 pm Wine Tasting
7:30 - 9:00 pm Silent Auction
The cost for the Wine Tasting and Silent Auction is $20. Cash or check only, no credit cards are accepted.
It will also offer lots of appetizers from merchants in the area, great wine to taste, and plenty of people for great conversation. It is being held at Helios Coffee Co., 413 Glenwood Ave.
See you there.See me on Time Warner Cable 24
I just re-taped my 3 minutes for Time Warner Cable 24 -- in Oakwood Park. They came to Raleigh at my convenience because there was a technical problem with the segment that I had taped earlier in the week in their studio in Durham. I wasn't very happy with the earlier one anyway, so I'm hoping that this version will be better.
Let me know what you think.
Where's you favorite crowd?
Where do you suggest finding lots of folks in one place?
I'm thinking First Night for one.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Campaign materials on the way!
I'll need help getting them in to the hands of voters by October9. Let me know if you would be willing to help. Call 833-0586, email: or come by the Oakwood Dog Park around 4pm.