Monday, November 19, 2007

Raleigh City Council Citizen Requests

I'm on the Raleigh City Council agenda tomorrow under Citizen Requests.

I actually had 2 requests but they lumped them together in one on the agenda.

First, I'm just asking that the next Council meeting (the new Council's 1st meeting) include an update of a few specific election issues: Impact fees, The North Hills TIF, teardowns, and Dix Park.

Second, I'm expressing concern about the process and the difficulty in finding out and applying to city volunteer Boards and Commissions. I'm suggesting they at least have instructions on how to find out about and apply for openings. Or even better do something like Wake County does for their boards:

Wake County's Boards and Commissions page

Vacancy page:

Online application:

Seems like Wake County really wants people to know when their boards have openings.

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